The Potomac Chapter of ASLA

Potomac ASLA is the Potomac Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), the national professional association representing landscape architects.  Potomac Chapter ASLA was founded to advocate for and serve members studying and practicing landscape architecture in the Greater Washington, DC region, including northern Virginia and suburban Maryland.


President – Matthew Sellers, PLA, ASLA, LEED GA
Landscape Architect, Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute

Executive Committee Page                                   View Our Newsletter

The 2024 Awards Gala at River Farms in Alexandria was a great success!

Gala Recap and Pictures                                              2024 Award Winners

ASLA Mentor

The WAAC/Potomac ASLA Mentor Chain is a mentoring program that provides student-to-student and professional-to-student learning and support from the beginning of a student’s academic career on into professional life. The program is open to all WAAC MLA students

In its first year (2017-2018), the program pilot covered 2 full mentor chains. 2 first-year students were paired with 2 second-year students. These same second-year students were paired with 2 third-year students. These same third year students were paired with 2 professional members of the Potomac Chapter of ASLA.

2024 Potomac Chapter Professional Awards

Congratulations to our 2024 Award Winners!

Professional Awards

President’s Award – HOK
Merit Awards – AECOM, Horn & Company, Lee and Associates, M-NCPPC Montgomery Parks, MKSK Studios, MVLA, OvS
Honor Awards – Moody Graham, Scape Studios, Parker Rodriguez

Lifetime Achievement Award
Robert Snieckus, FASLA, National Landscape Architect – Retired, USDA NRCS

Emerging Leader Award
Logan Staley, Bradley Site Design

Visit the 2024 Awards Page for Details



Lunch and Learn

Tuesday September 17th

Techno-Bloc will hold a virtual Lunch and Learn on September 17 from 12 to 1pm.  The topic is The Benefits of Permeable Pavement (1 LA CES professional development hour)

More Information

Thank you to our 2024 Platinum Sponsors




Visit the Current Sponsors page for more information on these and other 2024 sponsors

Become a Member!

POASLA membership includes benefits provided by ASLA as well as access to local professional events and opportunities.  Contact Christine Cotter, Executive Director, for more information.


Job Opportunities

Visit our Job Announcements page to see professional opportunities

Founded in 1899, the mission of The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is to advocate, to lead, to educate, and to participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning, and artful design of cultural, natural and/or the built environments for human enjoyment.

The most important role ASLA takes on for you as a landscape architect or designer, is legal advocacy for the profession on the federal (National) and state (local Chapter) levels. ASLA is doing a lot of work behind the scenes, whether you know it or not, that directly affects you and your livelihood. Without ASLA’s persistent, timely and unwavering effort, landscape architecture as we know and practice it, would not be able to stand up to recurring state sunset laws and federal restrictions.

Michael Casey, ASLA, PLA, LEED AP
2018-2019 President


“The biggest benefit of joining the ASLA is being part of the movement and learning how as a group we can work to improve lives through landscape.”